Issue 1: Spring/Fall 2019

  1. MindTools Content Team. (n.d.).
    The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale: Understanding the Impact of Long-Term Stress.
    Retrieved from HERE

  2. Agnvall, E. (2014). Stress! Don’t Let It Make You Sick.
    Retrieved from HERE

  3. Robinson, J. (2013). Three-Quarters of Your Doctor Bills Are Because of This. Retrieved from HERE

  4. Louv, R. (2012). The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age. Algonquin Books.

  5. Rohr, R. (2012). Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self. Jossey-Bass.

  6. Flemming, A. (2014). A little warmth goes a long way: The science of drinks. 
    Retrieved from HERE

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